Friday, May 22, 2009

Maybe Take a Sharpie and Draw Some Horns and a Tail on That Family Photo

Many thanks to reader, Carly, for sharing this anecdote.

My MIL has passed away, and in the spirit of not speaking poorly of the dead, I'll refrain from the many stories I could tell, except for her parting gift.

She had three children, but both of the daughters were single and had no children. In fact, both of them pretty much cut all ties with their folks. It was the MIL's heart's desire, however, to have a family photo taken, and as neither sister would be present, the family portrait would be with just the parents, my husband and I and our children. Fine. As we prepared to make an appointment with the photographer, my MIL pulled me aside and let me know that she'd "like to have the picture taken, you know, with just the family"... I looked at her rather blankly and slowly caught on that she'd like my husband and children in the photo, but not me. I wasn't "family." I was afraid for a moment that we were going to have to cut the kids in half so that no one would be able to see that portion of genetic material that I had contributed. Apparently, there were concessions she'd be willing to make, so the children were spared...

She died shortly after that due to diabetic complications. My heart still sinks whenever I see a short, rotund, white haired woman. The legacy she left is (hopefully) not the one she intended.


DKG aka Scrappy Doo said...

BEEN THERE!!!!!!!!
I get that crap everytime!!
I but on the bright side I dont care to have my pic taken with her anyway!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ugh! The future MIL pulls this eeeeeevery Christmas. "Would you be a dear & take this picture of everyone else in the room?".
To be fair, she's a perfect peach in every other aspect, but I can definitely relate!

The Wife O Riley said...

My MIL gets pictures taken of herself and my kids professional taken every year. Then she sends copies to my mom and dad. PURE EVIL!!

kristi said...

gees louise, what a whore! Nothing says I love ya like a daughter only not really like being asked not to be in the family photo.
Carly, you must be better off without her around. (i mean that in the best possible way when trying not to speak ill if the dead.)

mommakin said...

I dated a guy once (so I didn't end up with this particular gem of a MIL) who would always have the spouses of her offspring strategically placed on the sides of family photos so that they could be cropped if, you know... And she would SAY that! If, you know...

Fragrant Liar said...

Where in the HELL was hubby in all this? He should have slammed that idea of excluding Carly out of the picture IMMEDIATELY! That's just incredible! I'm so pissed about that!

Jill said...

I don't have an MIL...I did, but she died. She was an utter whack-job. I tried getting along with her, but we get along much better now. I'm greatly enjoying this blog!

Maggie May said...

Oh dear. Oh dear oh dear.

Anonymous said...

I think you should just learn to take horrid photographs. Cut part of her face from the pic. Then tell he "I have shakey hands, maybe you should do it".

Anonymous said...

I'm with Fragrant Liar. Hubby should have spoken up. It's ridiculous to want the children in the photo but only one of the parents.

Lynn said...

"Don't say nuthin bout the dead, lessen it's good. She dead. Good."
---Whoopie Goldberg