Monday, April 20, 2009

What's The Point?

Because my mother-in-law is The Devil.

She lives to make my life miserable, I'm sure of that. And I thought blogging about it might be cathartic.

And then I thought: How great would that be if other people read the blog and then tell me how much they hate my mother-in-law, too? Like a fan club. Except instead of thinking she's fabulous, we all just want to stab punch her.

And then I thought: How great would it be if other people read the blog and then tell me how much they hate their mothers-in-law? And I figured that would be fantastic, because everybody wins.


kel said...

oh ok... I see why I am just now finding this blog.. 'cause it's new! duh!

Housewife Savant said...

I think your blog idea is brilliant. I love the posts you've got so far. Your M.I.L. photo is HILARIOUS.
Go girl.

DKG aka Scrappy Doo said...

MIL gave my hubby a plastic Jesus clock with fiber optics for his
40th bday!!!WTF!!!